Annual Livestock Show a Success

Elizabeth Grimes

FFA students await judging at the livestock show.

Lindsay Collier, Editor

The assorted sounds of farm animals and the hearty smells of hay and dirt are senses the Future Farmers of America (FFA) students are well familiar with. For the past year, these students have been raising animals, ranging from rabbits to pigs, with one end point in mind: the 21st Annual Livestock Association Show and Sale, which finally arrived last Thursday, Feb. 5.

Three students came home from the long-awaited show as Grand Champions, and two others returned as Reserve Champions.

In all, 24 students earned places in the live auction, which was held on Saturday, Feb. 7 and raked in major successes for the FFA students.

Senior Ashley Herring returned home as Grand Champion for her Market Rabbit and set a livestock record with her sale of $9,000. Junior Madison Dove received the coveted Grand Champion award for her Market Broiler (Chicken), which sold for $8,500.

Cy Ranch dominated the Market Goat section, with junior Camille Lewis being named Grand Champion for her goat, which sold for $12,500. Junior Clay Spidle earned the title of Reserve Champion for his $10,500 goat, and junior Greg Sobotik earned Grand Showmanship Champion.

Sophomore Connor Wallace was named Reserve Champion for his Market Swine and set another livestock show record when he sold his swine for $20,000 at the live auction.

The successes of the livestock show didn’t end at the auction for Cy Ranch students, though. Of five available scholarships, Ranch claimed two of them. Senior Megan Heard was named Queen and earned a $1,000 scholarship. Junior Meghan Sirmans earned the title of Miss Teen and a scholarship of $300 to go toward next year’s livestock project.

These results are well-earned for students who have spent countless hours this past year nurturing these prize animals, and there is no doubt these successes will continue.