Band Returns from Disney Victorious

Lindsay Collier, Editor

Spring Break started early for the Cy Ranch band when they left Wednesday, Mar. 4 to weather the 14-hour drive to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The band participated in the annual Festival Disney, a three-day competitive festival that allows musical ensembles across the country to compete for the top spot.

The band jump-started the trip with a performance for nationally-recognized music educators for help honing their skills, which led into a personalized educational clinic for the concert ensembles.

The students returned home with a tan and a variety of awards and distinctions. All participating Concert Bands won Best in Class, and the Symphonic Band snagged the Gold Award for top overall band.

During the festival, band members got valuable performance experience and honed their skills while exploring the “happiest place on Earth.” Following the competitions, students wandered around Disney World, making memories and friends.