Mustangs Pledge to Drive 2N2

Kamryn Kobal, Writer

Drive 2N2 is a program State Farm Insurance created to bring awareness to safe teen driving. With teen driving accidents being the number one cause of teen deaths, State Farm has made it their responsibility to encourage teens to drive “2N2”—two eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel.

At Cy Ranch,  students have decided to take the 2N2 pledge. They began with taking a survey, admitting to the biggest distractions teens experience while driving. It was concluded that the most common interruption was changing music, whether that be on the phone or through the radio. The second biggest distraction students agreed to was texting.

“My phone is definitely what always takes my eyes off the road,” said junior Branden Batson. “Even if I just look down for a few seconds to change the song, I know it still takes some of my focus off of driving.”

To serve as an incentive for students to remember to drive with full focus, State Farm is donating a $100,000 grant to 22 selected high schools throughout the nation who submit a photo or video of their school showing how they plan to drive 2N2. After the top schools have been selected, one grand winner will be chosen to have pop indie band Echosmith perform at their school.

To show how Cy Ranch plans to spread awareness about safe driving, Thursday, Oct. 15 was named Jake from State Farm Day, encouraging students and staff to dress up like the famous “Jake from State Farm.” The halls were filled with pledges dressed in khaki pants and red shirts, mirroring the famous character featured in the State Farm commercials. Each student who dressed up was asked to take a picture in their outfit and tweet it with the hashtag “#CyRanchDrives2N2” to prove that the school is raising awareness.

Throughout the week students will have the opportunity to take the 2N2 pledge. Remember, the school with the most support has the chance of winning $100,00, as well as a free concert from Echosmith. Submissions close Sunday, Oct. 25, so help the Mustangs prove how they promise to drive safely.