Teachers Celebrate Mother’s Day as New Parents

Courtesy of Breena Jackson, Brittney Walker, and Ashley Isbrecht.

Averi Jackson (left), Marley Walker (middle), and Sloane Isbrecht (right) made new parents out of Breena Jackson, Brittney Walker, and Ashley Isbrecht.

Mother’s Day is a staple in America, a sweet holiday celebrating the virtues of motherhood settled in the midst of spring. Every year, many women become the object of this holiday for the first time—and three of them roam the halls of Cy Ranch.

Health Science teacher Ashley Isbrecht, Algebra I teacher Breena Jackson, and English III teacher Brittney Walker became new mothers this year. For them, this upcoming holiday will be one to remember.

“I think I’m more nervous than excited because I’ve never been on this side of it,” Walker said. “It’s exciting though.”

For these new mothers, this past year has been eventful, but they wouldn’t trade it for the world.

“It’s awesome being a mom,” Isbrecht said. “The smile on her face melts my heart every single day! People always told me ‘enjoy the little moments because they go by so quickly,’ and they do. I can’t believe I’ll be planning her first birthday soon!”

Walker echoed these sentiments.

“My life has changed for the better,” Walker said. “It’s something new everyday. It makes me more of a playful person. I like to just laugh and joke around and play with her, so I do that more with other people.”

Though the holiday celebrates mothers, these new parents at Cy Ranch insisted that their children are the greatest gift they could receive.

“[My favorite thing is] seeing how much she changes and grows everyday,” Walker said. “Today, I went home and she found her feet, so she was playing with her feet. That was really cool. It’s something we take for granted—we know these things, but I get to see her learn them.”