The Person With Several Faces: Sarah Banh

Everyone remembers a smile. Everyone remembers junior Sarah Banh for that same reason and more. Banh is the definition of a busy bee, always zipping in and out of rooms, filling each room with whimsy. The reason Banh is able to do this is probably because of her multitalented nature that she is so well known for. Banh also manages to excel in one of her many other passions within the small time she spends by herself. The only thing holding Banh to continue on what she does is her own sense of duty and normalcy.

“It is hard to keep track of what I have done so far,” said Banh. “But I feel as though I have achieved just as much as anybody else.”

Banh’s true passion is and always will be the violin. Growing up playing the violin and music being a huge aspect of her family, music is in her blood. Her only wish is to keep working on what she loves. Banh continues on her musical talents by perusing some of the other musical clubs here at Cypress Ranch to continue to expand her horizons.

“All throughout my life, I have been integrated into a community of music,” Banh said. “Having taken extensive piano lessons since age six, one can say my daily routine since my early years, has consisted of hours of practice.”

Besides the violin, Banh has a lot more interests ranging from reading to spending time with her family. Growing up, Banh could never decide what she wanted to do so she decided to follow all of her passions at once and so far, it has not failed her.

“My passions are an accumulation of my interests and things I hold dear to heart,” Banh said. “I have countless goals to achieve and infinite standards to excel.”

Banh credits all of her work and achievements to her parents. From a young age her parents have stressed the importance of academics and have supported her throughout the entire process. Banh learned the importance of why a young woman should work diligently to receive an education. Without her parents, Banh would be lost.

“My parents have stressed the importance of gaining an efficient and prestigious education for my future prosperity and success,” Banh said. “I have learned to see the actual value of a woman with education on a global scale.”

In the future, Banh hopes to make a change for the better in the world. One of the more important things to Banh are the issues and the turmoil the world is in right now, Banh thinks that it is important to make things right. Drawing inspiration from other inspirational figures such as Malala Yousafzai and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

“Politics and international affairs are something I hold a great passion for as well, especially when I can have articulate discussions with some good friends before and after class,” Banh said. “It is something that is important to me.”

Banh, in every sense of the word, is a busy young woman with a passionate heart and knowledgeable mind. Recently awarded CFISD’s Student of the Week, Cypress Ranch is proud to share the news of who Sarah Banh is and hope you get the chance to see her in action.