Team Spotlight: Classics

Grace Schlafer, Writer

With the end of Football season, the Cypress Ranch Classics have begun to prepare for their recital and competitive season. An integral part of Cypress Ranch, the Classics are devoted dancers and are determined to improve their skills through a strong work ethic and determination.

The Cypress Ranch Classics put fourth an immense amount time to their craft. From after-school practices during the school week and on weekends, to attending each and every Football game, and even volunteering for extra events – the Classics dedicate their lives to dance. They pour hours of rehearsal into each of their routines, making sure that each formation, movement, step, and technique are up to par with their standards.

The Classic’s performance at the CFFCU stadium during the game against Bellaire.

Due to the number of hours the Classics devote to being a part of the Drill Team, many bonds have been formed within the team. Through all of the madness of Football games, practices and performances, the Classics have manged to form close-knit friendships with one another. Through ups and downs, the Classics stand by each other – whether it be in helping each other improve technique, or offering each other advice on how to preform a certain movement.


The Classics at the 2017 Homecoming Parade.

With close ties in the team, the Classics incorporate the families of the dancers. Their families openly support the Classics by attending performances, participating in some routines, and volunteering to help and chaperone events. The Classics value the families of their dancers. They are the backbone of their support system.

The Classic performance during the 2017 Pink-out game.

Cypress Ranch Classic junior Kendall Lyons, informs us on more information about the team:

What does it mean to be a Classic?

Being on the Drill Team is a fun way to be a part of the school spirit. While doing so, you have to balance both school work and dance.

Since football season is over, what does the rest of the year hold for the Classics ?

“After football season, we start working on our contest season; which is where we have practice every Saturday from 7 AM to 12 PM, then go to other schools and compete with them.”

How much dedication does it require to be a Classic?

“We practice two hours after school everyday, and spend a lot of time working on dances and upcoming performances on the weekends.”

What is the team dynamic like?

“Pretty supportive. Everyone respects one another and helps each other to benefit the team.”

What are some misconceptions that people may think that are not true?

“A lot of people perceive us as just dancers, but we do a lot outside of school. We put in more work than people think.” 

What are your goals in dance this year?

“I hope to become a good leader, improve my skills, and work hard in and outside of practice this year.”

What are your goals as a team this year? 

“For everyone on the team to be motivated and excited for competition season.”

What advice you would give to someone interested in joining the Classics?

“You don’t have to be the best-of-the-best to be on the Classics. We work on technique as a team to improve one another.” 

Kendall Lyons at the Football game against Bel-Air at FCU stadium on November 18, 2017.

The Cypress Ranch Classics demonstrate the meaning of persistence and commitment. They show true passion for the art of dance, which anyone can see in their performances. The Classics represent Mustang pride in an elegant manner.


Photos by Yearbook and Newspaper staff