Key Club: Interview with Officer Emily Ha

October 18, 2018

Key Club has more members than any other club at Cypress Ranch, and is one of the best clubs for volunteering purposes. Our school is also known for having the one of highest numbers of key club members around the world. So, what makes key club so popular and how do you become an officer for it? Questions like this and more will be answered in an interview with one of our key club officers, Emily Ha.

According to Emily, to be a key club officer you have to work hard and have a passion for community service because it’s a lot of time and commitment. With over a hundred members, it’s no surprise that having a leadership position for key club is a very sought-after position that would definitely look good on college applications. There are five officers, with Emily being the vice president.

“I became an officer my Junior year by being an active member and the interviewing and selection process,” Emily says.

Another thing members of key club want to know: how much has it changed since last year? How are the officers going to continue to change how they run the club? Last year, members used to use badges which they would have to scan every time they attended a meeting. Now, members are used to scanning a QR code for every meeting.

“We’re trying to make the club more open and encourage officers,” Emily says. “To interact with members we’re also using technology and social media to make contacting us more accessible.”

Many people are interested in joining or have already joined. With so many members, key club has become one of the most important clubs at school.

“It’s a great opportunity to earn hours, give back to the community and meet people,” Emily says.

As a part of Key Club, you are required to earn fifteen hours. Ten of these hours must be by volunteering for various events. Key club does have quite a few events coming up this month like Sock Hop and the Bridgeland Community Fun Run.

“We have a lot of events but the most exciting is our Christmas lipsync battle with teachers to fundraise and our annual pumpkin smash,” Emily says.

As a Senior, Emily has attended many events and volunteered for several causes over the past few years.

“My favorite event out of all of my years in key club is fill the boat,” Emily says. “I got to help in hurricane Harvey recovery and the Towne Lake Easter extravaganza because it was the most exciting.”

For more information on Key Club, click here.

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