Cy Ranch Does Their Part in Helping Save the Planet

Kamryn Kobal, Writer

The Energy Management Department of CFISD has recently established a new plan for all Cy-Fair high schools that encourages energy conservation and saving money around the school. The goal of this plan is to increase energy awareness on campus as well as significantly cutting energy costs.

To reach this goal of saving energy and money, staff members at Cy Ranch are being encouraged to participate in a few energy-saving strategies. These include turning off the lights in unoccupied areas, keeping projectors, monitors and other electronic equipment turned off when not in use, and keeping the doors and windows closed during the day.

The school also plans to use fluorescent bulbs rather than incandescent bulbs in the classrooms. According to Albuquerque Public Schools, a fluorescent bulb uses less than one third of the energy of other bulbs and lasts 10 times longer. By using fluorescent bulbs the school will be able to save money and energy, without even noticing a difference in the lighting.

Clubs such as the Go Green club at Cy Ranch are dedicated to bettering the Earth by doing projects around the school. The Go Green club does their part in contributing to the new conservation plan by collecting recycling within the school.

The students and staff are working diligently to increase the awareness of energy conservation at Cy Ranch high school. Emails are sent out each month to teachers with an update on the amount of lights, monitors or other electronic equipment that were left on for long periods of time.

In the future, the district is hoping to host assemblies and workshops that allow CFISD teachers and students to better understand the importance of saving energy while at school.