Fun Ways to Spend This Valentine’s Day

As the heart warming holiday known as Valentine’s Day, approaches you may find yourself completely smitten in your current relationship–or you may be the one sighing at the ridiculous amount of romance in the air while walking through your high school hallways.

However, whether you have a significant other or even just a best friend (who will most likely come over with a tub of ice cream to devour while the both of you cry over sappy romance films), here are a few creative ways you can spend this special day.

1) Go on a picnic. Picnics are casual and fun. Being outside will create a more relaxing environment where the both of you can sprawl out on blanket and eat chocolate-covered strawberries. Make sure to pack finger foods and tea, all placed together in a wicker basket to get the whole feel of a traditional picnic.

2) Have a movie night. Make a bowl of popcorn and add toppings such as M&M’s and cinnamon to create a creative flavor, then sit down together and prepare for a Netflix movie marathon. Netflix has a variety of perfect Valentine’s Day movies, such as the classics Romeo and Juliet, Dear John, or my personal favorite, Stuck in Love.

3) Go get coffee at a bookstore. Almost all cities have a Barnes and Nobles, and almost all of those bookstores have a Starbucks coffee shop. Bookstores are quiet and filled with hundreds of books to discuss over a cup of coffee. Plus, someone’s favorite book says a lot about them, allowing you to learn more about your date.

Now if this Valentine’s Day approaches and it turns out that you don’t have any real date plans (considering the boy you like doesn’t even know you exist), try planning a GALentines Day party instead, because taken or not, there truly is nothing like having a girls’ night with your best friends.

1) Have a potluck dinner. Almost every girl has at least one go-to meal she has perfected making, so get all of your girlfriends together and share your specialty meals. There’s also usually one friend in the group who can bake like someone off Cake Boss, so make sure she’s the one who brings the dessert. Spend your night eating and laughing with all of your best girlfriends while making sure no one ever says the word “single.”

2) Make a playlist and dance in your pajamas. Add songs like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper and Don’t Cha by The Pussycat Dolls to dance to the whole night. Decide who has the most ridiculous dance moves and which girl can truly bust a move the best. Set out tons of junk food to stuff in your mouths in between choruses, and dance until your feet hurt.

3) Get manicures and pedicures. There is something that is oh-so-relaxing about getting your nails done. Although there is the free massage that turns out to not actually be free and the two minutes of stress that comes with trying to pick out the perfect nail polish color, you and your girlfriends can enjoy your boy-free night while getting pampered.

Valentine’s Day is a great reminder of how much love surrounds you, whether that be from your significant other or from your best friends. However, single or not, this day can still be special by spending time with the people you love most.