Career Day Inspires Students

Kamryn Kobal, Writer

Every six-year-old already knows what they want to be when they grow up. Whether their dream is becoming a fireman, nurse, or teacher, they usually have an idea of the job they want to do when they get older.

Considering factors such as the time, effort, and money that goes into “dream careers,” though, most teenagers don’t want the same job they once did ten years ago.

As students gets older, their interests change and they learn more about the career they once thought would be so much fun, so it’s normal to change career paths or not even know which path to take. In fact, many college students go into university still not knowing exactly what they want to do.

Finding a career can be stressful, especially when a 16-year-old is told they need to start preparing as soon as possible. To help students begin thinking about an occupation they might like, the Cypress Ranch English II teachers set up “Career Day” for all sophomores last Friday, Apr. 10.

Engineers, business owners, and other adults from the community came and spoke to students about their careers. Students chose three job clusters they found interesting, then were assigned to a classroom where they could talk to an adult who worked in the field they chose.

“Learning about jobs in that cluster gave me more incite in what it is like to work in Human Services,” sophomore Kenzie Smith said. “Career Day was a great way for us students to get more background information on jobs we might want to do one day.”