Senior Wins Pearl Fincher Art Award

Toni Sanchir’s art piece, “Dreaming.”

Kamryn Kobal, Writer

Senior Toni Sanchir was filled with excitement when her very own art piece was chosen to be displayed in the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts (MFA). From Thursday, Apr. 9 to Saturday, Apr. 25 the museum will be displaying dozens of student artworks, among them being Sanchir’s drawing.

Sanchir’s artwork won second place in Division I of the 2015 Student Art Contest and Juried Exhibition hosted by the MFA. Along with her placement, Sanchir was awarded a $500 scholarship.

Her award-winning piece, titled “Dreaming,” was inspired by Sanchir’s sister.

“I just went into her room when she was sleeping and took a picture of her,” Sanchir said.

The half-pencil, half-colored pencil drawing shows a young girl sleeping, colored in grey pencil. Shadows of orange, blue, and red swirl behind the girl, bringing a sense of depth and mystery.

“Typically my work is not thought-provoking,” Sanchir said. “It’s more gentle and more aesthetically pleasing, so I wanted to do something that is still colorful but that might be interpreted as something deeper than I would normally do.”

Sanchir plans to attend the University of Texas where she will continue to practice art.

“Hopefully I’ll minor in art or do it after school or during extracurricular activities,” Sanchir said.