Fine Arts Festival Returns

Tim Whorley

Members of the speech and debate team demonstrate what debate is during the second period assembly.

Lindsay Collier, Editor

After a year barren of the Fine Arts Festival, the long-awaited fair returned this year on Wednesday, Apr. 22. During their English periods throughout the day, students were herded into the auditorium to watch the various fine arts programs demonstrate their skills.

The Fine Arts Festival serves to give recognition to programs that often are under-appreciated. The band, orchestra, and choir showcased their musical prowess in front of a packed auditorium, and the UIL theatre ensemble performed their award-winning play “Blue Stockings.”

In the visual arts, the Classics performed their famous routines before a cheering audience in the gym, and the art and sculpture classes showcased their work in the hallways.

“There are a lot of different types of art and I think we had a good representation of what sculpture was,” said junior Aly Schmidt, who demonstrated sculpture techniques with her art class during the festival. “The purpose was to show everyone how we make things and the process we go through.”

This year was also the first year the speech and debate team was given a spot in the festival.

“The Fine Arts Festival is the only time anyone ever sees what we do,” said senior Faith Wright, who is president of the speech and debate club and presented during the speech and debate assembly.

In all, the Fine Arts Festival is a wonderful opportunity to give the fine arts the center stage.

“Mr. Brotemarkle never tells the student body to come out and support fine arts programs like us, because there isn’t much to see,” Wright said. “It’s the only chance to show people what we actually do.”