Student Designers Host First Fashion Show

Kamryn Kobal and Marina Vences

The Advanced Fashion Design, FIDM Fashion Club, and Cosmetology students held their very first “Around the World”-themed fashion show this past Tuesday, Apr. 28. For the small price of five dollars, supporters could watch student models show off custom pieces made by student designers.

Since the beginning of the year, the Fashion II students have worked diligently to design and create their own clothing line for this show.

“I will feel very accomplished [when I see the models in my designs] because we’ve been working on this for awhile now,” said senior Ja’nice Brackect.

On the night of the show, the usual bleak cafeteria was transformed into a complete “pop up” fashion show. Matching the “Around the World” theme, the runway was decorated with different representations of countries from around the world, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Christ the Redeemer statue.

The designs were just as diverse as the decorations, including pieces inspired by cultures from around the world. Senior Morgan Edwards sent Caribbean-inspired looks down the runway, while senior Mercy Jones drew from European culture to create her designs. Senior Ja’Niece Brackect and junior Karla Gonzalez showcased pieces inspired by Africa, and junior Brittany Turcios chose a Spanish theme for her looks.

The show started with opening remarks from the Assistant Principle Michael Peck, followed by the MCs, seniors Taylor Needham and Kerensa McMurphy, who prepared the crowd for the student models.

“It was fun to wear clothes from different countries that girls in my class designed,” said freshman model Sarah Donnel. “My favorite part was the modeling and also getting my hair and make up done by the cosmetology girls.”

After a lovely line of Asian-inspired pieces by designer senior Betsey Cornelio, co-founder of the advanced fashion design program, the step team performed, giving the models and designers time to prepare and change in-between demonstrations. The show recruited other performers to entertain the crowd throughout the night, including senior Richard Simmons and the Cy Ranch drum line.

Although this was the first fashion show Cy Ranch held, it was definitely a success. With help from NHS members, the Drum line, the Step Team and other members of the community, many came together to make these students feel like they were walking down the runway at NYC Fashion Week.

Fashion Design teacher and head of the Design program Christine Lewis was excited by how everything turned out.

“Everything went really well,” she said. “There were way more people than we expected, and we are so excited to continue to do it in the future.”