Spanish Classes Learn About Environment With Unique Experience

A Spanish III class learns about how electric cars help the environment.

Zoe Ethridge, Writer

On Tuesday, Feb.  16, the Spanish department had a guest bring in an electric car to teach the students how to stay green during their environmental unit. Parked outside by the gyms, a representative from a local Ford dealership brought his electric car to the school specifically for Spanish teacher Melody McAfoose’s Spanish III class. Explaining how the car works, he taught the students about the advantages and disadvantages of using an electric car, and what it does to and for the environment.

“We talked about deforestation, pollution, et cetera,” McAfoose said. “We also learned how to give suggestions or recommendations in Spanish.”

The Spanish classes also did chemical labs in class to test how water pollution can affect marine life, as well as creating environmental major projects—all while learning how to do so in the language.

“We showed that when we put regular household products in the water, down the drain, this contaminates the water,” McAfoose said.

McAfoose definitely ended the six-weeks with a bang, not only making the class fun to be in, but also creating a very educational atmosphere.

“This is my first time to teach Spanish III, but stick around,” McAfoose said. “Next year, I plan to take it up a notch.”

The Spanish III class knows how to keep the planet clean now, especially in another language, which will help them in their futures pursuing Spanish.