Student Drummers Perform at Woman’s Hospital Parade


The three students posed inside the hospital hallway before beginning their performance.

On Thurs., Nov. 23, three Cypress Ranch band students participated in a holiday parade for the children who are patients at the Pediatric Center of the Woman’s Hospital of Texas. The three seniors, Joshua Dickson, Matthew Mohr, and Patrick Sanchez, had the opportunity to be a part of what originally seemed like a small visit. However the parade ended up being a significant event for the patients and the students. During the holiday season, those involved with the parade helped bring fun and spread joy  throughout the hospital.

“The kids were really pumped,” Dickson said. “They all had a grin from ear to ear and they just seemed really happy that we were there.”

Mohr’s mother, a social worker at the Woman’s Hospital of Texas, asked her son and his friends if they would be willing to come play in the parade for the children at the hospital. The three students agreed to being a part of the event.

Speaking with Dickson, Mohr, and Sanchez, the boys expressed how thankful they were to bring a piece of happiness to the patients, even if it was just to play a drumline number for them. After seeing the ecstatic looks on each child’s face, the drummers shared how special it was to be able to perform for the children.

“It was a lot of fun and felt really good that we could help those kids have fun,” Dickson said.

Cypress Ranch band Director, Russell Holcombe, approved the students to use the school uniforms, as uniforms typically are not used outside of marching season. Holcombe, however, is proud about the use of the navy and gold uniforms in this specific instance.

“They all jumped on it and did a great job.” Holcombe said. “I’m glad they did that, I know it meant a lot to those kids.”

Bassoon player, Sanchez, plays a multitude of instruments including alto sax, but played the drums at the parade. Sanchez shares that he had an amazing experience seeing all of the kids clapping and cheering in excitement.

Although the parade lasted about fifteen minutes, the companionship and smiling faces from the performers proved to have a positive impact on the patients.

“Just a simple thing can be really impressive,” Sanchez said.

View the Channel 2 News article about the Cypress Ranch drummers here: