Seniors Prepare for Mr. Mustang

Seniors Prepare for Mr. Mustang

The annual Mr. Mustang contest is being held on Jan. 19, 2017, which is an entertaining event. All contestants have been preparing for a very long time for this performance showcasing the senior men of Cypress Ranch. The event features the largest number of entrants since the pageant began.

The contest consists of swimwear, formal wear, talent performance, and dance numbers. The 26 male contestants and their female escorts are getting ready to show off their wacky and whimsical acts for the entire school to see.

The best part about the Mr. Mustang contest is that all of the proceeds will be given to MANE Event. MANE Event, which stands for Mustangs At Night’s End, is an organization that holds an after prom lock-in to ensure that seniors are not drinking and driving during one of the most popular weekends for high school students.

Buy your tickets now at Main Street: $10 for general admission or $20 for reserved seating.