How to Enjoy Being Alone on Valentine’s Day

The dreaded day for many, February 14th, is quickly approaching and if you are anything like me, you are planning on spending Valentine’s Day alone. However, this Valentine’s Day, instead of wallowing in self-pity while consuming copious amounts of popcorn and rewatching Dear John, try and make the most out of this day. With theaters flooded by couples going out to catch the newest superhero flick, a trip to the movies might be out of question. But while everyone is at the movies and local restaurants, this means the rest of the town is yours.

Maybe this is the only time you will be able to head to that one go-karting place you have wanted to visit, but the lines are always too long. Grab your other single friends and beat each other in go-karts races and pizza eating contests, distracting from the idea that Cupid’s holiday has to be spent with a significant other.

Or perhaps you want to do something indoors. Nothing is stopping you from abusing the arcade machines around town, crushing thousands of records made by little kids. Along with gaming all night, one of the best feelings in the world is cashing in tickets won from the dance game you played all night. Who needs flowers when you can cash in ticket stubs for a tacky key chain?

Maybe you think you are too old for arcades or go-karting and want a more mature and constructive thing to do. And to that I say, maybe head to the library. My home away from home, the Lone Star Library, is one of the most underused facilities in Cypress. With everyone out with their significant other, the peace and quiet will go from the frequent two readers to absolute isolation. Take that time to enjoy the lands of Middle Earth or the secret world of Hogwarts. The library is a save haven for all, with many interests and facets to your disposal. The world is your sandbox, bend it to your imagination even on Valentine’s Day.

Perhaps the worst thing that has happened to you has not been put on this list. Maybe you recently got out of a nasty breakup. The only relationship advice I can give you is that it gets better. At the end of the day, you are still you with or without this other person. Your friends and family still love you and you have a personality that everybody loves about you. If that is your case, maybe you should look around and realize that maybe you are not loved by one particular individual, but there are tons of other people who love unconditionally.

Spend this Valentine’s Day with friends or a lover, but either way, spend it having fun with those close to you.