Student Spotlight: Chris Castro

Shajid Hasan, Editor

In an exclusive interview with Mustang Messenger, Cypress Ranch Homecoming King and senior Chris Castro reveals what he is grateful for and offers some advice.

“My time here at Cypress Ranch has been memorable,” Castro says. “I’ve met new people, learned new things, and grew socially and academically. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep in touch with some of my closest friends after I go to college.”

Castro won the title of Homecoming King. This is also Castro’s first year in the Mustang Drumline, which is an important accomplishment in his book.

“People have been asking me a lot about the drumline,” Castro says. “It means a lot to me, and everyone seems to recognize it.”

Chris plays Bass 5 on the Mustang Drumline.

Castro’s largest accomplishment, however, has to be the time the Mustang Indoor Drumline placed high in state competition.

“We did really well at state,” Castro says. “It was our first year doing indoor drumline, and we didn’t know what to expect. When we got everyone together, and we were able to compete and perform, it was more about the music than the recognition.”

One of the reasons Castro has gotten so far is his time in band. It helped him grow and gave him something to lean on. He thanks the directors for his success, and insists they’re instrumental to his progress not only in band, but in life.

“The directors always make sure we get our work done,” Castro says. “They push me to my limit, and I’m a better person because of them. Mr. Greene was like a second father to me – he showed me potential I didn’t even know I had.”

Castro is a senior now, and he’s made many great memories here at Ranch.

“It’s been quite the journey, from freshman year to now,” Castro says. “I feel like a better person for taking the time and experiencing everything offered to me.”

Chris was crowned as the 2017 Cypress Ranch Homecoming King.

Castro also offered some advice to those younger than him:

“Get your stuff together,” Castro says. “Once you’re out of here, you’re out of here. You’ll never be able to get your time back, so you need to make good decisions.”

Like most of us, the idea of transitioning into a new chapter in life is a bit intimidating for Castro. He’s made so many memories during his time here.

“I hope to leave a legacy of perseverance,” Castro says. “Even though school might be hard, you can still get through, and you can have fun while doing it.”