How Much is That Doggy in the Window?

Sidney Snow is excited to have a new way to experience independence.

Sidney Snow is excited to have a new way to experience independence.

Marissa Mulligan, Writer

The annual service project for the PALs program is already underway. This year, they are raising money for sophomore Sidney Snow.

Snow has lived with Cerebral Palsy her whole life. The condition makes simple actions more difficult because it causes a lower level of balance. It also causes vision and hearing loss. For these reasons Snow would benefit from a service dog. Unfortunately, only adults are qualified for most organizations that help individuals with this condition. When Snow found out Dogs for Independence wanted to work with her, she was thankful for the opportunity.

However, it costs $20,000 to purchase a trained dog and pay for a trainer to work with Snow when she first receives the dog. It will help her with everyday activities, even at school, such as keeping her balance, knowing where curbs are, and knowing when the bell rings. Snow plans to have this companion to assist her through high school, college, and beyond. The PALs have decided that their fundraiser will go directly toward paying for Snow’s pup.

The project was kicked off with a night at Orange Leaf last semester. On Thursday, Nov. 21,  a portion of the profits collected were donated to Snow.

In addition, PALs hosted bake sales on Dec. 12 and Jan. 23, and will be having another on Feb. 20 after school. They will be located on Main Street and all items will be priced at one dollar each.

PALs sponsor, Lisa Locklin, is proud of the project. She says, “It’s good to raise awareness… Kids take [seeing and hearing] for granted.”