Theatre Arts Preforms Hairspray the Musical

Shajid Hassan and Grace Schlafer, Editor and Writer

The weekend of 11/9 – 11/12, 2017, Cypress Ranch Theater performed Hairspray the Musical. Their dedication (and many hours of rehearsal) has all led up the to them being able to present a show everyone can relate to.

“The songs are so upbeat, which makes this show especially exciting and one that everyone can connect to,” junior Zoe Temple says.

Hairspray the Musical is based off the 1988 film that dealt with societal norms being broken and racial tensions during the time period. Fourteen years later, the musical was brought to Broadway and has since became a cultural icon. Many still appreciate what Hairspray represents. It demonstrates individualism and the ability for society to come together despite its differences.

“Hairspray is about integration. It is a show about fighting for what is right despite everything piled up against you.” senior Dawson McCarthy says.

Hairspray’s debut showing was magical to say the least. All the parts were performed without error. Spectators from all walks of life congregated to watch an important part of Broadway and Mustang history.

“It has been tiring, but it has been a blast,” senior Grant Deyoe says. “It was hard because everybody in the play doesn’t like Tracy, but I have to remember that my character likes Tracy. It’s a lot of pressure on me, but I’m glad I was able to get over that.”

This show had to turn out well due to the history of Hairspray the Musical and Cypress Ranch Theater. Hairspray was the first musical ever done at Cypress Ranch. Since it has been ten years since the first showing, Cypress Ranch Theater performed this year’s show an homage to years past. It paints a story of Cypress Ranch and how large it has grown.

“The last time this show was been put on was ten years ago,” senior Marleah Huffman says. “The show must be bigger and better because it honors the alumni, older staff and parents.”

Photos taken by: Grace Schlafer