Fall 2017 Finals Week – Schedule & FAQ

Shajid Hasan, Editor

Finals week this year is being handled a bit differently.

There aren’t any half days – a decision that comes from the district, not Cypress Ranch.

“An individual or team at ISC created the final exam schedule of dates, exams, and times of the exams.  Each campus can tweak a few things but it’s sent to us to consistently implement with the other district high schools.  It is not a campus creation,” Associate Principal Jason Tullos says.

One of the biggest questions stems from early release. Where do students with early release go on certain days? Specifically, Thursday, December 21?

“Since students are having to attend 6th & 7th periods on Thursday before taking the 5th period final, we will have early release students on campus.  They will be housed in the auditorium, so we’ll have people assigned to the auditorium to watch them until they are dismissed,” Tullos says.

The schedule is shown below.

Finals Week FAQ:

How many exemptions do I get in the Fall?

9th Grade – 1

10th Grade – 2

11th Grade – 3

12th Grade – 4


How many absences am I allowed before I lose an exemption?

You are allowed 3 absences per class.  The final exam date does not count as an absence towards your exemptions.  It does, however, count as an absence.


What does my semester average grade have to be in order to use an exemption?

You must have at least an 80 average for the semester.


If I get DMC or suspension, do I lost my exemptions?

If you are suspended or go to ALC/SAC/JJAEP, you lose all of your exemptions for that semester.  DMC does not count against your exemptions.


What if I receive a “U” (Unsatisfactory) for conduct? 

You will lose all exemptions as long as the teacher who assigned the “U” referred you to the assistant principal’s office for misconduct.  If you have been found guilty of cheating or plagiarism, you may receive a “U” for conduct.


What absences count against my exemptions?

All absences count against your exemptions, EXCEPT for college visits and school-sponsored field trips. You are allowed 2 college visits your junior year and 2 your senior year.  Make sure to get the proper paperwork from the Attendance Office before you go on a college visit.


May I exempt if I owe fines or fees?

No student shall be exempt while owing fines, fees, or costs of textbooks.


Where do I go on the day of the final exam that I am exempting?

If you are exempting, you do not have to be on campus during the final exam.  However, you should check out of school as you would on a normal school day with permission from a parent or guardian.  If you are on campus, you will go to the Commons and wait until the final is over.


If I exempt the final can I still take it to improve my grade?

Yes.  However, you must declare the exemption for the final by Friday, December 15th.  You may not take the final and then decide to exempt.


When will exemption cards be handed out, and when are they due?

Exemption cards will be handed out during lunches starting Monday, December 11th through Thursday, December 14th during all lunches and are due on Friday, December 15th at 2:40 pm.  The exemption cards need to be turned in to the AP office.


What do I do if I have early release and usually work during the time of my afternoon finals?

You may want to go ahead and contact your employer and tell him or her that you have school that week and are obligated to attend school based on Texas school attendance law.  Your employer will need to schedule someone else.  That is their issue, not yours.


What if I lose my exemption card?

You may get another exemption card from the AP office for $2.00.


May I leave the classroom and/or school once I’ve completed a final exam?

You may not leave until the scheduled time has been fulfilled.  The Attendance Office will not retrieve a student during that time.  Please be mindful of this when scheduling doctor appointments.  If a student walks out of a final exam prior to the end of the period, he or she will receive consequences for skipping.


Will there be late buses during the week of finals?

There will be NO late buses during the week of finals.  The last day for late buses will be Thursday, December 14th.


Are there any half-days during the week of finals?

There are no half-days this semester during the week of finals.  Each day will end at 2:40 PM.


What percentage of my grade comes from the final exam?

The final exam is worth 1/7 of your semester average.