Remembering Betty White & Bob Saget

Isabella Kohn

Movie Star and comedian Betty White has passed away this New Years Eve from a stroke. Exactly 6 days before her passing date, White had what her death certificate listed as a  “cerebrovascular accident,” consisting of a loss of blood flow in the brain that later caused brain tissue damage. 


White’s death sparked shock as tributes circulated around social media. Politicians, celebrities and fans alike, shared their condolences with White’s family and friends. 


 “The world looks different now. She was great at defying expectations. She managed to grow very old and somehow, not old enough. We’ll miss you, Betty. Now you know the secret,” said White’s co-star from The Proposal, Ryan Reynolds.


White was 99 years of age when she passed, and seventeen days away from turning a hundred years old. January 17,  marked her birthday and  the release date of “Betty White: A celebration”,  a movie that celebrates what would have been her hundredth birthday and what is now a celebration of her life, accomplishments and outstanding influence.


Like many other fans of White’s, Cypress Ranch High school student Jackie Martinez looked up to her. 


 “I think Betty White was always that person for me…Just the things that she does, how she’s an animal rights activist, I really believe in that stuff as well. Also her being so strong to live up to almost 100 and outliving almost all of the Golden Girls. It’s just really inspiring and makes me want to be healthy so that I could reach her goal as well,” said Martinez as she explains that her Hispanic father has always urged her to find someone strong to look up to.


Comedian Bob Saget was among the many celebrities that paid tribute to white.


“She always said the love of her life was her husband, Allen Ludden, who she lost in 1981. Well, if things work out by Betty’s design— in the afterlife, they are reunited,” Saget said. “I don’t know what happens when we die, but if Betty says you get to be with the love of your life, then I happily defer to Betty on this.”


Saget was found dead January 9th, just a couple of days after paying tribute to White. He was found in his hotel room in Ritz-Carlton Orlando after having performed in two comedy shows the Friday and Saturday before his death. Unlike White, Saget’s cause of death is unknown and it’ll take 10-12 weeks for it to be determined by medical examiners.


“I don’t even know what to say about Bob Saget. I loved him and was so lucky to work with someone so funny, soulful and kind. His role on himym was a voice in the future, looking back on all of life’s complexity with a smile, and that’s how I’ll always remember him,” said How I Met Your Mother co-creator Craig Thomas.


Nonetheless, Bob Saget and Betty White alike will be remembered for their impact in the film industry and for the hundreds and thousands of hearts they got the chance to touch.

